I have always felt that Sundays are for worship, fellowship with friends, and naps. Of course, being that I am a confirmed workaholic (and married an even busier workaholic), I can't just sit here at home without working on the Jentegrity Jewelry website, Amazon, Pinterest, and Snapchat accounts over the weekend. I do love my naps, but I love being productive even more.
Sammy would disgree.
Sammy is our 3 yr old black kittycat. Almost three years ago, someone dropped this scrawny little solid black, half grown kitten off at Matthew's elementary school...on Friday the 13th, of all days! Well, the children were terrified of this black cat, and the poor thing was just as terrified of them...so he camped out on Matthew's shoe for protection. When my 6'5" hubby looked down and saw this trembling little creature looking up at him, his heart just melted. And so Wifey was called to the school to bring Sammy home. Of course, I was delighted because I have always loved black cats.
And now after three years, lots of hugs and kisses, plenty of good food and a much needed neutering...Sammy Brewer is as content as a cat could be. He loves hanging out with me and Matt in our office, and has developed a very good keyboard etiquette. Especially since he has his own little place to nap.
Anyway, stay tuned for some upcoming changes to Jentegrity Jewelry.com! Christmas shopping is going to be crazy busy again this year, but we will have some amazing items for you soon!